When: Wednesday, April 22
Time: 2 P.M.
Where: Via Zoom Meeting and Facebook Live

The recent Covid-19 pandemic has opened our eyes to how intertwined our economic, social and health security can be in our communities. Our communities are suffering from severe health, economic and social impacts posed by this pandemic. Often overlooked are significant and long lasting cash benefits that energy efficiency projects have for low-income communities. Utility costs are a significant burden for low-income communities, even more so with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Zoom Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 876 0878 3777
Password: 288773

Empowerment Facebook Page

What is the Empowerment Grant Program?
These funds are being provided to support capable organizations in delivering energy efficiency programs to low-income ratepayers located in Delmarva’s Delaware service territory.   Applicant(s) receiving a grant award will accomplish one or more of the following in the Delmarva Power Service Area:

  • Increase the energy efficiency of low-income Delaware households that contribute to statewide electric and gas savings.
  • Engage with and inform low-income Delaware households about the benefits of efficiency and strategies available to them to achieve it.

Grants to be awarded and to whom:

Who: Any organization, nonprofit, business, municipality, group or association.

How Much: $5,000 to $100,000 over 1 to 2 years.

When: Rolling Deadline until funds are expended

For more information, visit us online at https://empowergrantde.org/

Visit https://www.energizedelaware.org/ for more programs to make your home, work, and community more energy efficient!